Targeted, head held high

The Eyeballs brings together all those who have accepted to face the truth: the slightest of our online behavior is analyzed, monitored and sold.

Members of our community act, discuss and help each other to understand how and by whom their data is being used against them.

They confront this reality rather than suffer from it, compare their results and denounce algorithmic bias.

You can't change anything by burying your head in the sand.

1+1+1+... = huge impact

The classic journey of an Eyeballs community member:

I understand how I am being targeted -> I am shocked -> I adapt my online behavior -> I talk about it around me -> My entourage understands, adapts and talks about it -> Bad digital practices are no longer accepted -> "clean" platforms are plebiscited and others boycotted (remember the slaughter against Whatsapp and the exodus towards Signal) -> We all live happily in a healthy digital world!


Where are we now?

July 2021

Launch of The Eyeballs, powered by HestiaLabs

Any question? Let's talk!


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